教育学院 & 健康科学


Associate Professor of Nursing, Program Director of Nursing


+1 630 637 5834


娇琴纱Maisch DNP, RN, CHSE, CNE, has over 35 years experience as a Registered Nurse. She began her nursing education journey in 2012 as a clinical instructor, inspiring her passion to educate future nurses and healthcare providers. Teaching prelicensure undergraduate nursing students led to her focus in simulation in nursing and healthcare education, where she is a Certified Healthcare Simulation Educator. Georgine is also a Certified Nurse Educator. In 2021, Georgine earned her DNP in Transformative 领导: Systems from Rush University. She believes that nurses play an important role throughout all areas of the healthcare system and the health of the population. Providing advanced level education develops nurses’ knowledge, skills and abilities to provide effective leadership, education and quality care to address the complexities of the healthcare system and improve healthcare outcomes. Georgine is thrilled to be a part of the 中北书院 community and for the exciting opportunity to develop a 研究生 Nursing Program that provides nurses with advanced education to function as leaders, educators and advanced practice providers, at a time when our healthcare system needs them the most.

专业领域: 领导, Nursing Education, Simulation, Maternal Newborn 

感兴趣的领域: Curriculum Development; Nursing Education, 患者安全, 模拟教育, 领导 Development 


Maisch G.加拉格尔,T., & Zonsius, M. (2023). Enhancing geriatric competencies: Integrating the 4Ms Framework in a baccalaureate nursing program. The Journal of Nursing Education, 62(10), 589–592. http://doi.org/10.3928/01484834-20230815-12